Arma 3 baf equipment
Arma 3 baf equipment

arma 3 baf equipment

Mad Mick Mick has put considerable time and effort into the development and integration of advanced training into 3CB's gameplay, through training events, missions and most recently a mentorship scheme. This promotion reflects the level of responsibility he already carries as Recruitment Manager. More visibly he has demonstrated a solid leadership on all of our servers, and contributed greatly to the community. Emjay Emjay has been effectively running the 3CB recruitment activities, as well as producing some truly excellent promotional videos. This promotion places him in a position where he can now take direct action. He has for many years offered suggestions on how to improve 3CB, many of which we have adopted. Whether this is by mission making, in-game leadership roles, PR activities or training.

arma 3 baf equipment

Recruitment is expected to re-open before the end of June. Corporal We are extremely pleased to announce the following promotions from Lance Corporal to Corporal: Ney As a long-serving reliable member with a positive attitude, Ney regularly steps forward, volunteering his time and efforts to the unit particularly in this frequent leadership on the battlefield as an SL or FTL.Ĭongratulations to you all, and thank you for your support of 3CB. Ever since the military coup, the large island nation of Sulawesi has [ For information on the process, please see here.

Arma 3 baf equipment